HRI Young Researchers Workshop
The schedule and list of attendees have now been posted.
The field of human-robot interaction is new but growing rapidly. While there are now several established researchers in the field, many of the current human-robotic interaction practitioners are students or recently graduated. This workshop, to be held in conjunction with the HRI 2006 conference, aims to bring together this group of researchers to discuss their work, talk about the important upcoming issues in the field, and hear about what their colleagues are doing. The workshop is partly a follow up to the Human-Robot Interaction Summer School that took place in Volterra, Italy in July of 2004. However, those who did not attend are encouraged to submit to this workshop; previous attendance will not affect acceptance.
NSF Funding
We are happy to report that the United States National Science Foundation has agreed to help fund the workshop. Attendees have received information about what that means for workshop-related expenses.
Keynote Speaker
We would like to announce Dr. Clifford Nass of Stanford University as our keynote speaker. Dr. Nass is Director of the Communication between Humans and Interactive Media (CHIMe) Lab at Stanford. He has written two books, The Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Televisions, and New Media Like Real People and Places (New York: Cambridge University Press) and Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). You can find more information at his web site.
The format of the workshop will have participants presenting their work in short talks, hearing from an expert in the field on the important problems in HRI, and meeting in small group sessions to discuss common research themes.

The workshop will take place on Wednesday, March 1, 2006, in Salt Lake City, Utah in conjunction with the HRI 2006 Conference to be held in Salt Lake City March 2-3. Potential participants are encouraged to submit an abstract of their current research by September 15, 2005 to [email protected] Please limit abstracts to two pages.

We plan to accept approximately 30 students and young researchers to the workshop. Twelve will be asked to give a brief (10 minute) talk to the workshop about their work. The remainder will be expected to talk about their work during breakout sessions and meals.
Program Committee