HRI Pioneers Workshop 2008
Keynote abstract and title are updated. Schedule is updated (March 6, 2008)

Keynote speaker is announced!

Urgent: (January 24, 2008) Those participants that have not contacted Alan Wagner with their flight information, should do so ASAP: alan.wagner at or phone 1 (404) 667-5193.

The field of human-robot interaction is new but growing rapidly. While there are now several established researchers in the field, many of the current human-robotic interaction practitioners are students or recently graduated. This workshop, to be held in conjunction with the HRI 2008 conference, aims to bring together this group of researchers to discuss their work, talk about the important upcoming issues in the field, and hear about what their colleagues are doing. The workshop is the third annual workshop for junior researchers in HRI held in conjunction with the HRI conference. Those who have not attended a previous session are highly encouraged to submit to this workshop. Previous attendees will be considered for acceptance as well.
Keynote Talk
We would like to announce Dr. Brian Scassellati of the Yale University as our keynote speaker. Prof. Brian Scassellati is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, Director of the Yale Social Robotics Laboratory, and a member of the Yale Child Study Center. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from MIT in 2001, M.Eng. in Computer Science from MIT in 1995, and a B.S. in both Computer Science and Brain and Cognitive Science from MIT in 1995. He is currently the chairman of the Autonomous Mental Development Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and has received an NSF Career Award. His research focuses on the construction of humanoid robots that interact with people using natural social cues. These robots are used both to evaluate models of how infants acquire social skills and to assist in the diagnosis and quantification of disorders of social development (such as autism). Research details can be found at

Social Robots and Human Social Development
Abstract: In HRI studies, we often use the robot as a stimulus to study the social behavior of a human. In this talk, I'll describe two related methods for using a robot to gain insight into the cognitive structure of human social behavior:

The format of the workshop will have participants presenting their work in short talks, hearing from an expert in the field on the important problems in HRI, and meeting in small group sessions to discuss common research themes.

The workshop will take place on March 12, 2008, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in conjunction with the HRI 2008 Conference to be held there on March 12-15. Potential participants are encouraged to submit an abstract of their current research, a 1 paragraph statement of motivation for attending the workshop, and a letter of support from their research advisor by 1 October 2007 to [email protected]. Please limit abstracts to two pages.

We plan to accept approximately 30 students and young researchers to the workshop. Twelve will be asked to give a brief (10 minute) talk to the workshop about their work. The remainder will be expected to talk about their work during breakout sessions and meals.
Attendees & Schedule
Attendees and schedule.
Program Committee